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Industrial Gases – Industrial Gases

Industrial Gases

1. LPG Gas :

LPG is a typical non reactive gas and features are as under :Features :

  • Incorporated with high quality moto
  • Easy to use on all floor surfaces
  • Affordable
  • Gas has heat isolating effect.
  • LPG is inert to substances at all temperature and pressures.
  • Gas of choice when super-inertness is needed for high temperature process or metal working.

Non-Domestic packed LPG cylinders are supplied in three variants i.e. 4 Kg, 21Kg & 33 Kg Capacity. Customers whose LPG flow requirement is lower can use 21 Kg & 33 Kg Cylinders with self Closing Valve. For a customer who’s LPG requirement is low and intermittent may use 4 Kg Cylinders.

2. Argon Gas :

Argon is a typical non reactive gas and features are as under :

  • Needed in places where Nitrogen is not found sufficiently inert.
  • Needed where low thermal conductivity is required.
  • Gas has heat isolating effect.
  • Used for many industries like steel, iron, Non ferrous metal, metal refining, inert and purge storage vessels and pipe lines, metal heat treatment, to fill lamp bulbs to protect tungsten filaments and extend life.
  • Argon is inert to substances at all temperature and pressures.
  • Gas of choice when super-inertness is needed for high temperature process or metal working.

It is blown into furnaces to stir molten metal and for flushing other gases from the melt, mainly in production of stainless steel. It is also widely used as a shielding atmosphere in welding, metal fabrication, aluminum processing, microelectronics, glass coating and advanced ceramics.

3.Argoshield Gas :


Argoshield is a range of shielding gases consisting of three gases viz, Argon, Carbon dioxide and oxygen. Argoshield has good penetration and fusion profiles:

  • Low distortion & oxidation potential
  • Low levels of nitrogen & moisture
  • Easy to use and provides sound weld at minimum cost
  • Low porosity and other defects

Used for MIG welding, standard grade stainless steel in less critical application

4.Oxygen Gas :

Oxygen is the 3rd most abundant chemical element in the Universe. About 0.9% of the sun’s mass is Oxygen.:

  • It is used to reduce the surface tension of the molten metal.
  • It is used to droplet sizes and therefore reduces the amount of welding wire needed, and the risk of cracks.
  • Oxy-fuel processes is used for cutting / welding carbon, alloy steels, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminium, nickel and copper alloys.
  • Oxygenation of water is good to boost fish-farm performance and sustain live fish during transportation.

To aid respiration of fruit and vegetables, colour retention in red meat and avoid an aerobic conditions in white fish.

5.Dissolved Acetylene Gas :


Dissolved Acetylene is the chemical compound with the formula HC2H. It is a hydrocarbon & the simplest alkyne:

  • The colourless gas is widely used as a fuel & a chemical building block.
  • It is unstable in pure form & thus is usually handled as a solution.
  • It is highly flammable gas & is used for welding & cutting due to it's high flame temperature & heat distribution.
  • It is the only fuel gas that creates a flame hot enough to cut & weld steel.

Acetylene’s high level of reactivity makes it a very useful fuel gas for welding, heat treatment, carbon coating, fabrication & glass moulds.

6.Nitrogen Gas :


Nitrogen is an industrial gas produced by fractional distillation of liquid air or by mechanical means using gaseous air.

  • It is used in serving as an inert replacement for air where oxidation is undesirable.
  • It is useful in manufacturing of stainless steel. It is also used on top of liquid explosives as a safety measure.
  • Nitrogen is used as shielding gas during plasma cutting with argon / hydrogen as plasma gas.
  • When Nitrogen is dried & pressurized, it can be used as a dielectric gas for high voltage equipment.

Acetylene’s high level of reactivity makes it a very useful fuel gas for welding, heat treatment, carbon coating, fabrication & glass moulds.

7.Carbon Dioxide Gas :


Carbon Dioxide  is a molecule with a molecular formula CO2. At  room temperature (20–25 ??C) 

  • CO2 is odourless, colourless, gas which is faintly acidic & non-flammable.

  • CO2 mainly consists in gaseous form, but it also has a solid & liquid form. It can be only solid when the temperature.

  • CO2 is only water soluble, when pressure is maintained.

  • After pressure drops the CO2 gas will try to escape to air.
  • It is used in soft drinks to make them fizzy. CO2 released by baking powder or yeast makes cake batter rise.

The solid form of CO2 known as Dry Ice is used in theatres to create stage fogs & make things like “Magic Potions” bubbles.
CO2 is highly soluble in water at moderate pressure, in oils and plastics at elevated pressures.

8.Helium Gas :


Helium is a colourless, odourless, tasteless & non toxic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table.

  • It exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions.

  • It is the 2nd most abundant element in the Universe & accounts for 24% of the elemental mass of our galaxy.

  • It helps or is essential for leak detection, balloon inflation, blimps, airships & to treat Asthma patients.

  • Helium is potentially the most versatile of all the inert gases.

Helium’s gaseous & liquid phase properties are used in many industries like Health Care, Hospitals, Heat Treatment, Defence & Fiber optics.

9.Hydrogen Gas :


Hydrogen gas is highly flammable & will burn in air at a very wide range of concentrations between 4% & 75% by volume.

  • It can react spontaneously & violently at room temperature with chlorine & fluorine.
  • It has the highest energy content as compared to any other common fuel by weight & lowest energy content by volume.
  • It is used as a fuel gas in oxy-hydrogen cutting / welding and for aluminum & underwater welding / cutting.
  • It helps in scavenge oxygen, helps in faster welding & a bright finish.

Acetylene’s high level of reactivity makes it a very useful fuel gas for welding, heat treatment, carbon coating, fabrication & glass moulds.

10.Liquid Nitrogen Gas :



Liquid Nitrogen is a kind of liquid that is produced industrially in large quantity by fractional distillation method. It can be easily converted to solid by placing in a vacuum chamber that is pumped by a rotary vacuum pump