1.Welding Electrode-6013
Being one of the renowned firms in the industry, we are decidedly involved in providing a premium quality.
- High strength
- Fine finish
Product Details:
- Size 3.15 mm, 2.5 mm, 4 mm
- Brand Mangalam/Royal/Superon
- Length 350 mm, 450 mm
- Minimum Order Quantity 20 Kilogram
1.Welding Electrode-7016
The electrode has basic coated low hydrogen compound and it is designed to resist moisture for a considerable time in a humid environment:
- High strength
- Fine finish
Product Details:
- Size 3.15 mm, 2.5 mm, 4 mm
- Brand - Mangalam/Royal/Superon
- Length 250 mm,350 mm,450
- Minimum Order Quantity 20 Kilogram
Welding Electrode-7018

Being one of the trusted firms in the industry, we are highly engaged in providing a unique range of 7018 Electric Welding Rod.
- High strength
- Fine finish
Product Details:
- Size 3.15 mm, 2.5 mm, 4 mm
- Brand - Mangalam/Royal/Superon
- Length 250 mm,350 mm,450
- Minimum Order Quantity 20 Kilogram
Stainless Steel Rods (S S308 & S S 316 )

Our highly durable, promising, corrosion resistant with low maintenance Stainless Steel Electrodes are universal in application and is the product of state of art manufacturing unit.
- Low Carbon content
- High resistant to porosity
- Good sidewall fusion - No undercut
- Electrode easy to bend slightly, without cracking of the coating
- Easy striking, no sticking electrodes / extinguishing arc
- Stable arc that is easy to direct
- No spatter
Product Details:
- Size 3.15 mm, 2.5 mm
- Brand - Mangalam/Royal/Superon
- Length 250 mm,350 mm,450
Hard Facing Rods ( Royal Arc C II & Royal Arc C III)

Backed by rich industry experiences, we are highly engaged in offering a premium quality range of Industrial Arc Welding Electrodes.
Mechanical Properties:
- UTS: 760 N/mm2 min.
- YS: 690 N/mm2 min.
- Elongation: 22% min.
- CVN Impact at -500C: 30 J min.
Product Details:
- Size 3.15 mm, 2.5 mm
- Brand - Mangalam/Royal/Superon
- Length 250 mm,350 mm,450